Conference registration


This form represents the official registration for the summer session of the International Conference “Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering – NanoBioMat 2025” which will be held online during 25- 27 June 2025. The conference is organized by the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest under the patronage of The Academy of Romanian Scientists and Accademia Tiberina and it was created as a debating platform for young scientists, especially PhD students and postdoctoral researchers!

The official invitation for the 11th edition of NanoBioMat – 25-27 June 2025 is available bellow:

For attending the conference you have to follow a three-step procedure:

I. Registration

All the registrations should be filled before 23.05.2025 using the link: After this deadline, only posters and visitors are just admitted to register.

II. Abstract submission

The abstract should be uploaded electronically as a MS Word document but no later than 30.05.2025. Please use the template:

Upload files

CA: Corresponding Author; (*) – Mandatory field; The uploaded file should be a word document and should not exceed 10MB.

III. Acceptance notification

Notification related to the acceptance of the abstract will be received before 03 June 2025. The preliminary program will be announced on 11 June 2025.


For any request do not hesitate to contact us by email ( or directly by WhatsApp – message (